Area Converter
Area Unit Conversion - Convert instantly between acres, hectare, are, square feet, homestead,square centimeters, square inch,square meters, square millimeter,township,square miles, square yard and other metric and imperial area units.
From: acre
To: acre
How to use this Area Converter Tool?
How to use Yttags's Area Converter?
- Step 1: Select the Tool

- Step 2: To perform a Area Converter, walk through the steps below:
- Select the unit of the From(source).
- Enter the From(source) value into the box at the top left.
- Select the unit of the To(target).
- The Area Converter is automatically performed and the result is displayed at the right-hand side.

Units of measurement
Conversion units for the Area Converter
Area Unit Conversion - acre, are (a), barn (b), hectare (ha), homestead, rood, square centimeter (cm^2), square foot (ft^2), square inch (in^2), square kilometer (km^2), square meter (m^2), square mile, square millimeter (mm^2), square rod, square yard (yd^2), township (twp) etc.
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FAQs for Area Converter
What is Land Area Calculator?
A Land Area Calculator is a tool used to measure and calculate the area of a piece of land, usually in square meters, acres, or other units, based on its dimensions or boundary coordinates.
How to Convert Units of Area?
To convert units of area, use the appropriate conversion factor for the units involved, such as 1 square meter (m²) = 10.764 square feet (ft²) for metric to imperial conversion.
How to calculate land area in acres?
To calculate land area in acres, divide the area in square feet by 43,560 (number of square feet in an acre).
How to calculate land area from Google Maps?
To calculate land area from Google Maps, use the "Measure Distance" tool or "Measure Area" tool available in the "Google Maps" app or website by tracing the boundaries of the land to get an approximate area measurement.
How to calculate land area in square feet?
To calculate land area in square feet, multiply the length and width (in feet) of the land parcel or use the "Measure Area" tool on a map application.
How to calculate the area of irregular land?
To calculate the area of irregular land, use the method of triangulation or divide the land into smaller regular shapes and calculate their areas separately, then sum them up.