Binary to Octal Converter
Binary to Octal Converter converts binary numbers into octal numbers.
Enter a binary number and this tool will instantly convert binary into octal numbers.

How to use this Binary to Octal Converter Tool?
How to use Yttags's Binary to Octal Converter?
- Step 1: Select the Tool

- Step 2: Enter Binary Text And Click On Convert Button

- Step 3: Check Your Binary to Octal Converter Result

Base 2 to base 8 converter with solution steps and graphical illustrations. Binary to octal converter calculator with fractional parts and descriptions.
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FAQs for Binary to Octal Converter
What is a Binary to Octal Converter?
A Binary to Octal Converter is a tool that transforms binary (base-2) numbers into their equivalent octal (base-8) representations, facilitating the conversion between different numerical bases.
How many bits are there in binary to octal?
We use only 3 bits to represent Octal Numbers. Each group will have a distinct value between 000 and 111. Note: Octal number system supports digits from 0 to 7. Beyond 7, such as 8 and 9 are not octal digits.
How do you convert octal to binary easily?
Since there are only 8 symbols (i.e., 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) in octal number system and its base (i.e., 8) is equivalent to 23 = 8. So, we can represent each digit of the octal number in a group of 3 bits in a binary number. This method is simple and also works as the reverse of binary to octal conversion.
What is the indirect method of converting octal to binary?
Conversion of octal to binary using an indirect method is a two-way process. In the indirect method, we will first convert the given octal number into its equivalent decimal number and in the next step, we will convert the decimal number into its equivalent binary number.
What is the difference between binary and octal?
Binary system: where there are only two possible values for each digit, zero or one. Octal system: the value of each place is based on the powers of 8. Hexadecimal system: the value of each place is based on the powers of 16.