Day of the Week Calculator
Tool to find the day of the week of a given date. Each date corresponds to a day of the week on a given calendar.
There is an algorithm to calculate the day of the week of a date.
How to use this Day of the Week Calculator Tool?
How to use Yttags's Day of the Week Calculator?
- Step 1: Select the Tool

- Step 2: Enter your birthday below (then hit the "Calculate" button).

- Step 3: Check Your Day of the Week Calculator Result

This weekday calculator can find the day of the week of any date. It also gives out a few fun facts as well as the calendar of the month.
If you want to link to Day Of The Week Calculator page, please use the codes provided below!

FAQs for Day of the Week Calculator
What is a Day of the Week Calculator?
A Day of the Week Calculator is a tool that, given a specific date, calculates and reveals the corresponding day of the week. It's commonly used for scheduling, historical date inquiries, and various calendar-related applications.
How do you calculate the day of the week?
1. Take the last two digits of the year.
2. Add to that one–quarter of those two digits (discard any remainder).
3. Add to that the day of the month and the Month Key number for that month: Read Next. When Is Easter 2024? ...
4. Divide the sum by 7. The remainder is the day of the week!
Which day is the first day of the week?
Monday is the official first day of the week according to ISO 8601.
Is there an Excel formula for day of the week?
Identify where your WEEKDAY function originates (A2 for this example). Click on the blank cell where you want the day displayed. Type this formula: = Choose (Weekday(A2), "Sunday,", "Monday," "Tuesday," "Wednesday," "Thursday," "Friday," "Saturday"). Hit the Enter or Return key to get your result.
Why is Sunday called Sunday?
How Sunday got its name. The name for Sunday stems from the Middle English word sunnenday, which itself comes from the Old English word sunnandæg. The English derivations stem from the Latin diēs sōlis (“sun's day”). To know why this particular day is devoted to the sun, you have to look to Babylonian times.