Energy Converter
Energy Unit Conversion - converts Btu (th), Btu (mean), calories (IT), calories (th), calories (mean), calories (15C), calories (20C), calories (food), centigrade heat units, electron volts [eV], ergs, foot-pound force [ft lbf], foot poundals, gigajoules [GJ], horsepower hours, inch-pound force [in lbf], joules [J], kilocalories (IT), kilocalories (th), kilogram-force meters, kilojoules [kJ], kilowatt hours [kWh], megajoules [MJ], newton meters [Nm], therms, watt seconds [Ws], watt hours [Wh] etc.
From: Btu (th)
To: Btu (th)
How to use this Energy Converter Tool?
How to use Yttags's Energy Converter?
- Step 1: Select the Tool

- Step 2: To perform a Energy Converter, walk through the steps below:
- Select the unit of the From(source).
- Enter the From(source) value into the box at the top left.
- Select the unit of the To(target).
- The Energy Converter is automatically performed and the result is displayed at the right-hand side.

Units of measurement
Conversion units for the Energy Converter
Btu (th), tu (mean), alories (IT), alories (th), alories (mean), alories (15C), alories (20C), alories (food), entigrade heat units, lectron volts [eV], ergs, foot-pound force [ft lbf], foot poundals, gigajoules [GJ], horsepower hours, inch-pound force [in lbf], joules [J], kilocalories (IT), kilocalories (th), kilogram-force meters, kilojoules [kJ], kilowatt hours [kWh], megajoules [MJ], newton meters [Nm], therms, watt seconds [Ws], watt hours [Wh]