Leap Year Calculator
The leap year calculator tool is used to find out the input year is a leap year or not.
Also its possible to generate any range of leap years between two input years.
How to use this Leap Year Calculator Tool?
How to use Yttags's Leap Year Calculator?
- Step 1: Select the Tool

- Step 2: Enter Year And Click On The Check Year Button And Check For Leap Year Result.

- Step 3: Enter The Start Year & End year And Click On List Years Button And Check Your Leap Years Within A Range Result

What is a leap year, and when is the next one? Find out if 2023 is a leap year, how they are calculated, and why we use them.
Find out if a given year is a leap year or not, or list all leap years in a given time period using this leap year calculator. ➤ List of leap years between two years. Leap year check calculator online. What is the next leap year.
About Leap Year:
- No Leap Day in 2100
- Leap year is divisible by 100 and 400
List of leap years from 1900 to 3000
1900 | 1904 | 1908 | 1912 | 1916 | 1920 | 1924 | 1928 | 1932 | 1936 |
1940 | 1944 | 1948 | 1952 | 1956 | 1960 | 1964 | 1968 | 1972 | 1976 |
1980 | 1984 | 1988 | 1992 | 1996 | 2000 | 2004 | 2008 | 2012 | 2016 |
2020 | 2024 | 2028 | 2032 | 2036 | 2040 | 2044 | 2048 | 2052 | 2056 |
2060 | 2064 | 2068 | 2072 | 2076 | 2080 | 2084 | 2088 | 2092 | 2096 |
2100 | 2104 | 2108 | 2112 | 2116 | 2120 | 2124 | 2128 | 2132 | 2136 |
2140 | 2144 | 2148 | 2152 | 2156 | 2160 | 2164 | 2168 | 2172 | 2176 |
2180 | 2184 | 2188 | 2192 | 2196 | 2200 | 2204 | 2208 | 2212 | 2216 |
2220 | 2224 | 2228 | 2232 | 2236 | 2240 | 2244 | 2248 | 2252 | 2256 |
2260 | 2264 | 2268 | 2272 | 2276 | 2280 | 2284 | 2288 | 2292 | 2296 |
2300 | 2304 | 2308 | 2312 | 2316 | 2320 | 2324 | 2328 | 2332 | 2336 |
2340 | 2344 | 2348 | 2352 | 2356 | 2360 | 2364 | 2368 | 2372 | 2376 |
2380 | 2384 | 2388 | 2392 | 2396 | 2400 | 2404 | 2408 | 2412 | 2416 |
2420 | 2424 | 2428 | 2432 | 2436 | 2440 | 2444 | 2448 | 2452 | 2456 |
2460 | 2464 | 2468 | 2472 | 2476 | 2480 | 2484 | 2488 | 2492 | 2496 |
2500 | 2504 | 2508 | 2512 | 2516 | 2520 | 2524 | 2528 | 2532 | 2536 |
2540 | 2544 | 2548 | 2552 | 2556 | 2560 | 2564 | 2568 | 2572 | 2576 |
2580 | 2584 | 2588 | 2592 | 2596 | 2600 | 2604 | 2608 | 2612 | 2616 |
2620 | 2624 | 2628 | 2632 | 2636 | 2640 | 2644 | 2648 | 2652 | 2656 |
2660 | 2664 | 2668 | 2672 | 2676 | 2680 | 2684 | 2688 | 2692 | 2696 |
2700 | 2704 | 2708 | 2712 | 2716 | 2720 | 2724 | 2728 | 2732 | 2736 |
2740 | 2744 | 2748 | 2752 | 2756 | 2760 | 2764 | 2768 | 2772 | 2776 |
2780 | 2784 | 2788 | 2792 | 2796 | 2800 | 2804 | 2808 | 2812 | 2816 |
2820 | 2824 | 2828 | 2832 | 2836 | 2840 | 2844 | 2848 | 2852 | 2856 |
2860 | 2864 | 2868 | 2872 | 2876 | 2880 | 2884 | 2888 | 2892 | 2896 |
2900 | 2904 | 2908 | 2912 | 2916 | 2920 | 2924 | 2928 | 2932 | 2936 |
2940 | 2944 | 2948 | 2952 | 2956 | 2960 | 2964 | 2968 | 2972 | 2976 |
2980 | 2984 | 2988 | 2992 | 2996 | 3000 | ||||
The years 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2900 and 3000 are not leap years. |
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FAQs for Leap Year Calculator
What is a Leap Year Calculator?
A Leap Year Calculator is a tool or software that determines whether a given year is a leap year, which has an extra day (February 29) to account for the Earth's orbit around the sun. Leap years typically occur every four years.
What are the conditions to calculate leap year?
A leap year is exactly divisible by 4 except for century years (years ending with 00). The century year is a leap year only if it is perfectly divisible by 400.
Is there a rule for deciding leap years?
To be a leap year, the year number must be divisible by four – except for end-of-century years, which must be divisible by 400. This means that the year 2000 was a leap year, although 1900 was not. 2024, 2028, 2032 and 2036 are all leap years.
What is the logic to find leap year?
Dividing the year by 4 will result in a whole number with no remainder if the number is evenly divisible. The number must be evenly divisible by 4! Otherwise, it is not a leap year.
What is the origin of the leap year Why is it necessary?
To fix his culture's calendar, Roman emperor Julius Caesar created the Year of Confusion when he decided that the year 46 B.C. was going to be 445 days long instead of 365 days long. He then made a 365.25-day year—a tiny bit longer than the 365.2422 solar year—that added a leap day every fourth year.