Pregnancy Due Date Calculator
Free Online Find Baby's Expected Date of Delivery (EDD) from this tool.
Pregnancy due date - estimates a baby's approximate birth date.
First day of your
last menstrual period (LMP) Cycle Length
last menstrual period (LMP) Cycle Length
How to use this Pregnancy Due Date Calculator Tool?
How to use Yttags's Pregnancy Due Date Calculator?
- Step 1: Select the Tool

- Step 2: Enter The Following Options And Click On Calculate Button.

- Step 3: Check Your Pregnancy Due Date Calculator Result

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FAQs for Pregnancy Due Date Calculator
What is a Pregnancy Due Date Calculator?
A Pregnancy Due Date Calculator is a tool that helps expectant mothers and healthcare providers estimate the approximate date when a baby is likely to be born based on the first day of the last menstrual period and the average length of a human pregnancy (around 40 weeks).
How is the due date calculated in pregnancy?
You can calculate your baby's estimated due date based on the date of the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). Your baby will be 'due' around 40 weeks after the first day of your LMP. This method is particularly accurate if you have a regular menstrual cycle.
How far pregnant from due date?
Most pregnancies last around 40 weeks (or 38 weeks from conception), so typically the best way to estimate your due date is to count 40 weeks, or 280 days, from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). You can also subtract three months from the first day of your last period and add seven days.
Is due date based on LMP or ultrasound?
Ultrasound examination is more reliable than last menstrual period for predicting the due date. WHY IS THE DUE DATE IMPORTANT? Health care providers use the due date to figure out how far along you are in your pregnancy at each office or hospital visit. A lot of decisions are based on this information.
Are baby due dates exact?
Based on the best evidence, there is no such thing as an exact “due date,” and the estimated due date of 40 weeks is not accurate. Instead, it would be more appropriate to say that there is a normal range of time in which most people give birth.