Wilks Calculator
Wilks Calculator is used to calculate the Wilks score, which measures a powerlifter's strength. It is calculated using the total weight lifted and body weight.
How to use this Wilks Calculator Tool?
How to use Yttags's Wilks Calculator?
- Step 1: Select the Tool

- Step 2: Enter The Following Options And Click On Calculate Butoon

- Step 3: Check Your Wilks Calculator Result

Wilks Score = Total Lifted Weight × Coefficient
The Wilks Calculator is used to calculate the strength level of lifters against each other relative to bodyweight.
The Wilks formula
Original Wilks Coefficient = 500 / (a + bx² +cx³ +dx⁴ +ex⁵ +fx⁶)
Wilks Formula for Men:
Wilks Score = TWL * 500 / (a + b * BWT2 + c * BWT3 + d * BWT4 + e * BWT5 + f * BWT6)
Where: TWL is the total weight lifted [kg], BWT is the body weight of the lifter [kg],
Wilks Formula for Women:
Wilks Score = TWL * 500 / (a + b * BWT2 + c * BWT3 + d * BWT4 + e * BWT5 + f * BWT6)
Where: TWL is the total weight lifted [kg], BWT is the body weight of the lifter [kg],
Coefficients for men are:
- a = -216.0475144
- b = 16.2606339
- c = -0.002388645
- d = -0.00113732
- e = 7.01863E-06
- f = -1.291E-08
Coefficients for women are:
- a = 594.31747775582
- b = -27.23842536447
- c = 0.82112226871
- d = -0.00930733913
- e = 4.731582E-05
- f = -9.054E-08
Wilks calculator – Example step by step
- Name: Virat
- Bodyweight: 102 kg
- Max weight lifted: 205 kg
- Lifting class: Heavy class
- Name: Jolly
- Bodyweight: 53 kg
- Max weight lifted: 99 kg
- Lifting class: Light class
How do we know whether Virat or Jolly has a better power-to-weight ratio and why?
Virat’s Wilks coefficient: 123.80
Jolly’s Wilks coefficient: 121.61
Virat’s Wilks coefficient is higher because his power-to-weight ratio is better than Jolly’s.