Word Shuffler
Change word order in a text, sentence or line quickly, online. Use this generator to randomly scatter words online.
How to use this Word Shuffler Tool?
How to use Yttags's Word Shuffler?
- Step 1: Select the Tool

- Step 2: Enter Text And Click On Force Shuffle Button

- Step 3: Check Your Word Shuffler Result

This free online Words Shuffler tool shuffles (randomizes) words in the given text lines / sentences / strings. Jumbled sentences can be given to kids as exercise for correcting sentences.
If you want to link to Word Shuffler page, please use the codes provided below!

FAQs for Word Shuffler
What is a Word Shuffler?
A Word Shuffler is a tool or program that rearranges the letters of a given word or phrase, creating permutations while maintaining the original set of characters. It is often used for wordplay or cryptographic purposes.
What is shuffle word?
: to move by sliding along or back and forth without lifting. shuffle one's feet. b. : to perform (something, such as a dance) with a dragging, sliding step. intransitive verb.
Can we shuffle questions in word?
The questions can now be randomized over and over, simply by: Opening the original file (with the blank column) Pasting a randomly-generated numerical list in the left. Sorting the entire table by this new list.
How do you randomize data in word?
Creating random text is simple. To start, type =rand() and then click Enter in your document. Several paragraphs of randomly generated text will appear. You can also use this function to specify the number of paragraphs and sentences in each paragraph.
What type of word is shuffled?
verb (used with object),shuf·fled, shuf·fling. to move (one's feet) along the ground or floor without lifting them.